Saturday, September 1, 2012

Reading a Chemistry, Chol / Cholesterol

Cholesterol is form of lipid that is made by the liver.  It is a component of cell membranes and is used to create hormones as well.

Causes of high cholesterol include:
-Hormone disorders: hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism may cause high cholesterol with normal serum triglycerides.
-Kidney disease: such as nephrotic syndrome
in this case both serum triglycerides and cholesterol will be high.
-Diabetes mellitus: in this case both serum triglycerides and cholesterol will be high.  Of course, blood glucose should be checked to further confirm this as a possible diagnosis.
-Liver issues: especially cholestasis.  This is because the liver is primarily responsible for cholesterol excretion.  With liver issues both serum triglycerides and cholesterol will be high.

* It is worth noting that high cholesterol does not put animals at risk for heart or blood vessel problems like it does in humans.

Causes of low cholesterol include:
-Liver issues: the liver synthesizes cholesterol, so if it isn't functioning properly blood cholesterol may be low.  If cholestasis is present as well, however, cholesterol cannot be excreted so the lack of synthesis and lack of excretion may cancel each other out and give a normal result.
-Malabsorption: such as EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency).  In this case serum triglycerides will also be low.

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